Tes TOEFL Online

Melamar Kerja di BUMN

Mendaftar CPNS

Kelulusan S1, S2, & S3

Persyaratan Skripsi/Thesis

Tes TOEFL Online

Melamar Kerja di BUMN

Mendaftar CPNS

Kelulusan S1, S2, & S3

Persyaratan Skripsi/Thesis



23 Februari 2023 Materi Bahasa Inggris

W:Hello,John.You must be pleased.After all how many students are lucky enough to have been accepted at their first and their second choices?

M:Not many I know.But I’m not sure yet which one to choose.
W:Well,you seem to have doubts about the state university.But its biology dependent has a fine reputation.What more could a biology major want?
M:Yeah.And they also have internships for seniors.But a friend told me that for the first two years some lectures have a hundred and fifty students.You probably wouldn’t get to know any of your teachers.
W:Well,you might actually.Because those classes also have small discussion sections.They meet twice a week,and have no more than twenty students.
M:I know.But I’ve heard that they are usually taught by graduate students.At White Stone College all classes are taught by professors.
W:What about Sating?Do you prefer a small town like White Stone?Or a bigger place like the state capital?
M:That doesn’t matter to me.What I do care about is getting individual attention from the faculty than making friends.
W:Look,I’v known you for four years now and you seem to be a pretty outgoing person.I don’t think you have any trouble making friends at the state university.It sounds to me that you are learning toward White Stone though?
M:I am.The only problem is that the White Stone’s tuition is really high and I’m not sure I can afford it.
W:You could still apply for a student loan or sign up for a work-study program.
M:Yeah.I think I’ll look into that.

1.Why did the man go to see the woman?
Jawab:To discuss a decision he has to make.
Key word:I’am not sure yet which one to choose
Pembahasan:Si pria menemui si wanita karena ia bingung dalam menentukan pilihan universitas.

2.What concern does the man have about the state university?
Jawab:The classes are too large.
Key word:some lectures have a hundred and fifty students
Pembahasan:Dari percakapan di atas,Si pria mendapatkan info bahwa di universitas negeri,ada beberapa kuliah ada yang berisi 150 orang murid(terlalu banyak)

3.What does the man consider to be an advantage of the White Stone College?
Jawab:Faculty members interact with students.
Key word:all classes are taught by professors
Pembahasan:Di White Stone College,semua kelas diajar oleh profesor,yang menunjukkan bahwa adanya interaksi antara anggota fakultas dengan mahasiswa.

4.What is the man likely to do in the near future?
Jawab:Investigate borrowing money for college
Key word:I think I’ll look into that.
Pembahasan:Setelah si wanita menyarankan agar si pria meminjam uang untuk mendaftar kuliah,kemungkinan besar yang akan dilakukan si pria tersebut berikutnya adalah mencari tahu tentang cara atau syarat peminjaman uang untuk kuliah.

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